Stakeholder Survey

1.How many years have you known Concerted Care Group and/or Charm City Behavioral Health?
2.Which location are you filling this survey out for?
3.Are you employed in an organization that refers persons to our services?
4.What kind of relationship with persons who have participated in our services do you have?
5.When contacting us by phone, your call is answered in a prompt and courteous manner.
6.Our employees return phone calls and/or answer email messages in a timely manner.
7.Requests for information about our services, or about an individual receiving services, are responded to in a timely manner.
8.I have been treated with respect each time I have had contact with your organization.
9.Persons who request services, and meet the requirements for admission to a program, are admitted in a timely manner.
10.Our organization treats all persons participating in services with respect.
11.Our employees are sensitive to differences in the cultural backgrounds of the persons receiving services.
12.Our organization encourages and is open to feedback about the quality of our services.
13.Our organization is highly respected throughout the community for providing quality services.
14.I would recommend your organization's services to a family member or friend, without hesitation.
15.Accessibility to the program meets my expectations.
16.Please provide any specific suggestions you may have for improving our organization and our services.
17.Please provide any additional comments you may have related to your experience with our organization.
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered