Question Title

* 1. If you smoke cigarettes or vape e-cigs, you can hurt other people who are not smoking or vaping.

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* 2. The term “dabbing” means smoking extracts from which drug?

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* 3. How does alcohol affect the teen brain in the short term?

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* 4. The main reason teens continue to smoke cigarettes or vape e-cigs once they start is:

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* 5. Which of these is a symptom of alcohol overdose?

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* 6. Smoking cigarettes or vaping e-cigs:

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* 7. You can tell if a drug was mixed with other drugs by looking at it.

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* 8. Scientists have found that medical marijuana can cure which of the following diseases?

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* 9. The only “cure” for drunkenness is:

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* 10. Advertisements for nicotine and alcohol products try to fool us by making smokers and drinkers look:

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* 11. If you go to school “high” on marijuana, you are most likely to forget:

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* 12. Prescription opioids are highly addictive pain-killers.

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* 13. Please enter the below information (Race)

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* 14. Ethnicity

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* 15. Please enter your grade level