Dear South Pasadena Unified Parents,

Five years ago, as part of the requirements under Education Code (EC 52060), the district was required to develop and implement a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). South Pasadena Unified’s LCAP has been developed with input from a variety of stakeholders (parents, teachers, classified staff, administrators, bargaining units, and students), has been implemented for five years, and has been annually updated.

As we begin this year's annual revision process, we would like your feedback through this survey. 

 This LCAP Parent Survey serves two purposes:

1)   To build awareness about SPUSD's current LCAP actions and services
2)   To seek recommendations on the LCAP actions and services

Thank you for completing this survey. 

Question Title

* 1. My student(s) attend the following schools (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. My student(s) is in the following grades (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 3. My student(s) is in the following program(s) (check all that apply)...

Question Title

* 4. At school, my student(s) feel...

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
cared for.
safe and secure.

Question Title

* 5. At school, I feel that I...

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
am welcomed. 
am able to get help for my child's needs. 
am a valued partner in my child's education and have opportunities to take part in decisions made within the school.

Question Title

* 6. Overall, my student(s) is/are...

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know or Not Applicable
learning the grade level literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking).
learning the grade level math concepts and skills.
learning the grade level science and social-science concepts.
being provided extra support when needed.
gaining technology skills.
advancing in English language development.

Question Title

* 7. Overall, my student's school or teacher(s)...

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know or Not Applicable
use strategies that support my child's learning style.
keep me well informed about activities and events. 
provide multiple opportunities or ways for my child to succeed.

Question Title

* 8. What type of impact has each of the following programs/services had in supporting your child's learning?

  Positive Impact No Impact Negative Impact Don't Know or Not Applicable 
Counseling Services
English Language Development Support Services
Intervention Programs/Services (ie, Lexia, Imagine Learning, Dreambox Learning, Math Lab, Veritas Tutoring)
Standards Aligned Instructional Materials and Teacher Training
Special Education Services and Outreach
Visual and Performing Arts Course Access
Career Pathways
School Facilities and Maintenance
Technology to Support Teaching and Learning
PTA/PTSA and School Partnerships

Question Title

* 9. As a part of getting students ready for college and career, SPUSD offers several different areas of study. These areas of study may begin as early as the elementary level or as late as the high school level. Please rank the following course offerings based on the value they have in helping to create college-career ready 21st-century students.

Question Title

* 10. Please list and describe any actions or services that you would like the district to prioritize in order to achieve the below 4 LCAP goals.

Please note that there will NOT be a significant increase in LCFF Supplemental funds for the next school year. Even maintaining the current level of services and programs will be a challenge with rising costs.