PACTS is seeking feedback on draft updates to both the Public Involvement Plan and the Title VI, Environmental Justice, Non-Discrimination Plan. The plans are slated to be adopted by the PACTS Policy Committee in late October. Both documents, and their appendices, can be downloaded here.

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* 1. Please select the PACTS region municipality where you live. If you do not live in the PACTS region, please use the "Other" box.

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your connection to the PACTS region?

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* 3. The Public Involvement Plan includes five goals with related strategies for how PACTS can advance the quality and depth of public involvement. They are summarized below. Please share your input on one or more of the goals.

GOAL A: Increase the Public’s Awareness of PACTS’ Role and Priorities
  • Develop messaging and communications materials that the public can easily understand, using contemporary strategies and tools.
GOAL B: Build Relationships with Key Stakeholders
  • Increase engagement with key regional stakeholders and maintain a visible and engaging presence in the community.
GOAL C: Advance the Inclusion of Underrepresented Communities
  • Expand use of best practice tools and techniques for inclusive engagement in PACTS plans, studies, and governance.
GOAL D: Make Public Involvement More Accessible and Engaging
  • Make use of technology and fun approaches to engage different audiences and meet people where they are.
GOAL E: Assess the Effectiveness of PACTS Public Involvement
  • Adopt measures of effectiveness and mapping tools to evaluate public involvement efforts.

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* 4. Use the space below to provide any other feedback you have about the Public Involvement Plan:

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* 5. Do you have any feedback on the Title VI, Environmental Justice, and Non-Discrimination Plan?  Provide below: