Welcome to the King's "Active Student" Secondary Survey 2015/16 survey.

The aim of this survey is to encourage you to think about how active you are.

Research tells us that active people live healthier and happier lives.

Please answer each of the questions as honestly as you can.

Your class teacher will guide you through the questions if you need help.

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* 1. Which year group are you in?

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* 2. Are you a boy or girl?

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* 3. Which House are you in?

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* 4. How often do you ride a bike or cycle to school?

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* 5. How often do you actively swim? (include Surfing, waterpolo etc. but do not include swimming in PE lessons.)

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* 6. How often do you take part in "energiser type" activities in curriculum time at school? (An energiser is something you are encouraged to do (in lessons) when you have been sitting still for some time, to help you concentrate.)

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* 7. How active are you at lunch times?

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* 8. How often do you attend a formal or organised LUNCHTIME club at school that is active?

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* 9. How often do you attend a formal or organised school club at the END of the day that is active? (this can be on OR off the school site, but is organised by your school)

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* 10. How do you feel about Physical Education lessons?

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* 11. I try hard and am committed in PE and games

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* 12. I am confident in PE and games

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* 13. I am successful in PE and games

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* 14. I am making good progress in PE and games

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* 15. How many times have you taken part for your class/tutor group/house in a sports or dance event, festival/tournament in the last year?

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* 16. How many times have you taken part/represented your school in a sports or dance event, festival or tournament in the last year?

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* 17. How many times have you played for/represented (or been in a squad) for the district (eg East Devon), County (Devon) or region (South West) in the last academic year?

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* 18. Do you play or compete in a sport or physical activity at a district (eg East Devon), county (Devon) or regional (South West) standard?