Northeast Ohio Classical Academy Survey Question Title * 1. Which of the following has your child (or children) attended in the last two years (select all that apply): Entering school in Fall 2024 for the first time Traditional Public School Charter School Home School Private School Pre-K Program No children, or no children in school in the last two years Question Title * 2. How satisfied have you been overall with your child's (or children's) education over the last two years? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable (i.e., no children in school) Comments (optional) Question Title * 3. If you are seeking an alternative choice for your student this year, please indicate why: Unhappy with the quality of instruction Unhappy with the district performance Unhappy with current educational options Desire for a classical education model All of the above Comments (optional) Question Title * 4. Do you think the addition of a tuition-free, public K-12 classical charter school would be a valuable addition to your community? Extremely valuable Very valuable Somewhat valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable Question Title * 5. In your opinion, which of the following areas of your local educational system need the most improvement: Curriculum design to support reading comprehension and writing Offerings of enrichment classes like art, music, and physical education Access to educational opportunities for students who are underprivileged or disabled Learning environment that promotes safety, mutual respect, and ethical standards Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What is the top experience or service that would influence your decision to enroll your child in a tuition-free, public K-12 classical charter school? Small class size Variety of extracurricular activities Instructional aides to assist the classroom teacher Safe and respectful environment After-school care Traditional teaching approach and traditional teacher-student relationship Cohesive and comprehensive curriculum Thank you for taking time to answer the questions in our survey! Done