Moorfields’ Stars is an annual event that celebrates the achievements of our staff and volunteers

Patient choice award criteria
Patients, friends and family of patients, carers, and foundation trust members are encouraged to nominate a team or individual that has delivered exemplary patient care.
This award recognises individuals and teams who have made a difference to patient experience by demonstrating kindness, equity and excellence. They will have gone over and above to help patients.

Volunteer of the year award criteria
This award recognises those who volunteer at, or for the benefit of, Moorfields Eye Hospital. The volunteering could have been either direct or via one of the charities that support Moorfields (Friends of Moorfields or Moorfields Eye Charity).
The volunteer or team of volunteers will have demonstrated their commitment to going over and above to support Moorfields and its patients.

Please help us to promote Moorfields' Stars 2024 on social media using #TeamMoorfields
If you are a member of staff at Moorfields, please visit the intranet, eyeQ, to submit your nomination for fellow colleagues.
Your details

We are asking for your contact details so that we can get in touch should we need additional information from you. Your contact details will not be used for any other purpose, shared without your express permission and will be deleted once the nomination process has been completed.

Question Title

* 1. Your name.

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* 2. Your contact number.

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* 3. Your email address.

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* 4. Location you received your treatment (if applicable).

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* 5. Are you a:

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* 6. If your nominee is shortlisted, we may contact you to ask if you would be happy to appear in a short video interview. Would you be willing to be filmed?

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* 7. Your nomination

Are you nominating an individual or team?

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* 8. Name of the individual or team you are nominating.

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* 9. Please tick the award that you are nominating the individual or team for.

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* 10. In no more than 300 words, please give details of how your nominated individual or team has met the award criteria and why you think they should be this year's winner.

Questions to answer within your nomination include:
- Where is/are the nominee(s) based?
- What action did the nominee(s) take that has made you want to nominate them?
- When did the nominee(s) take this action?
- How has this action positively impacted you/patients/staff or Moorfields overall?
Please give specific examples where possible.

Thank you for completing the nomination form.

Please remember to press 'submit' once you are ready.

If you have any queries please email

Please share the awards on social media using