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Wornick Remote Learning Plan Survey - April 2020

Thank you to our parents and professional community for helping us to continue to assess how our Remote Learning Program is progressing. We value your feedback, and we rely on you to let us know what is working and where we can make adjustments. Your answers, as well as the experience from our fellow independent schools around the country, will help us make the very best decisions for our dear Wornick families going forward. 

We are approaching the Remote Learning Program with the same growth mindset that we encourage for all learning, taking into account a variety of competing factors. This collective feedback will guide us as we consider making additional refinements.

We are so grateful for the strength and support of this community. As we navigate these unprecedented times together, let’s all remember that we are here to support each other.

Thank you for your feedback.

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* 1. Grade(s) in which you have child(ren). Please check all that apply:

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* 2. Were the optional Spring Break/Passover activities helpful to your student(s)?

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* 3. Was the Parent Education Zoom call with School Counselor Sara Calonico on setting routines helpful to you?

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* 4. Do you plan on attending the Parent Education Zoom Call with School Counselor Sara Calonico on "Family Reward Systems and Incentives for Remote Learning" on Monday, April 27 at 4pm?

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* 5. Please share one thing over the past week that has worked well for your child(ren) with respect to remote learning?

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* 6. We would like to understand the amount of time your child(ren) spends on assigned schoolwork. Please answer the questions for each of your children if there is more than one child in your family attending Wornick. How much time on average does your child spend on one assignment?

  0-15 minutes 15-30 minutes Over 30 minutes
Child 1 (oldest)
Child 2
Child 3

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* 7. How much time on average does your child spend each day on schoolwork?

  0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4 or more hours
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3

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* 8. How much assistance does your student need to complete work?

  No help is needed Some/occasional help is needed Significant help is needed
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3

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* 9. Are there any details you would like to add with regard to questions 6-8?

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* 10. What part of the day do your kids like the most?

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* 11. We know that students thrive differently depending on their strengths, challenges, and comfort levels, and Wornick has tried to strike a balance between synchronous learning, asynchronous learning, and check-in times, to be thoughtful about a number of competing priorities, including time in front of screens, time with teachers, time with peers, individual quiet working time, bandwidth concerns and the need to be flexible for families’ needs regarding timing and scheduling. If Wornick were to add additional learning time, would you prefer it to be in the form of:

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* 12. Please let us know one thing you would suggest changing about remote learning:

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* 13. Do you have a technical issue that is still unresolved? If so, please explain in detail:

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* 14. Please share any additional information you feel would be helpful as we continue learning more about remote learning.

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* 15. Name/Contact info (optional):

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