Question Title

* 1. Water is valued for many reasons and used for many different purposes. How important to you are water resources in the Barossa for each of the following purposes?

  Not at all important A little important Quite important Very important
Water use for economic purposes (eg. irrigation or industrial use)
Health of ecosystems dependent on water (eg. species and ecological communities)
Water for human consumption (eg. indoor or outdoor domestic use)
Water for amenity and recreational benefits (eg. visually pleasing landscape, physical recreation)
Aboriginal cultural significance of water

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* 2. Could you please elaborate on the reasons you value water? Are there other reasons you value water in the Barossa that are not listed above?

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* 3. Each catchment or sub-catchment is unique, and we would like to know more about what is valued about water in your local area.

Could you provide specific details about what you value in relation to water in the Barossa? These may be knowledge, stories, experiences or feelings about certain locations or sub-catchments, either now or in the past. (Drawings, photos, videos or other non-written material are welcome, and can be collected and returned to you if required).

Question Title

* 4. There are many threats to the availability and quality of water resources for different uses. How high do you think the risk is of each of the following threats to water resources in the Barossa?

  Very low Low Moderate High Very high
Climate change and/or extremes
Increasing demand and extraction of water
Pollution (from industry/land use etc.)
Exotic or invasive species (eg. introduced weeds and fish)
Infrastructure or development affecting natural water flows
Increasing volume of reserved for the environment

Question Title

* 5. Could you please elaborate on the threats you think are highest? Do you think there are any other threats to the water in the Barossa that are not listed above?

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* 6. Each catchment or sub-catchment is unique. We would like to know more about the threats to water resources in your local area of the Barossa.

Could you provide specific details about risks to the water in the Barossa? These may be knowledge, stories, experiences or feelings about certain locations or sub-catchments, either now or in the past. (Drawings, photos, videos or other non-written material are welcome, and can be collected and returned to you if required).

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* 7. What do you think should be the main objectives for the management of surface water and groundwater in the Barossa?

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* 8. Are there any specific issues you would like to raise in regards to the development of the next Barossa Water Allocation Plan?

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* 9. Have you heard of the Barossa Water Allocation Plan before?

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* 10. How do you think people’s awareness of the Barossa Water Allocation Plan could be improved?

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* 11. Are there any other thoughts or information you would like to provide?

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* 12. If you would like to be contacted about further opportunities to be involved in the development of the amended Barossa Water Allocation Plan please enter your contact details.