Oxbow Program Inquiry Survey

Thank you for your interest in an Oxbow education program and for joining us in years past! Our goal is to be a resource for the community and support students in learning about food, farming, and nature. Especially, we hope to support you all- the educators and teachers who are navigating the new structure of education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please complete this survey, share some information about your school's re-entry scenario and the constraints your organization is facing this fall and give us an idea of what type of program would best serve you.
Also- please keep in mind that these possible program types are still in the very early stages and that we will have a limited capacity ourselves and many COVID-safe guidelines to comply with. We will do our best to provide programming to you, at a cost that doesn't provide a hardship (or on scholarship if you choose to apply), and especially we will focus on extending our reach through creative means and serving the audiences that need us most.
Completing this survey will ensure you end up on a list and will be contacted with updates about what we will be offering this 2020-2021 school year.
Please share your ideas, your concerns, and any questions you have. We will do our best to be responsive in a timely fashion as we build new programs and policies that ensure the safest and most meaningful programs for everyone involved.

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* 1. Full name

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* 2. Full name of School or Organization

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Phone number

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* 5. Grade level or description of student age/stage

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* 6. How many students?

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* 7. Please describe what you know so far about your school's back to school approach this fall. If you are planning to home school, please let us know here. (Example "back to school" models -- blended model (some virtual/some in-person instruction, virtual instruction, in-person instruction, other).

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* 8. What boundaries have been set for your school when it comes to third party programming for the fall (such as non-formal education opportunities)? Select all that apply. Check all that apply!

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* 9. Oxbow is considering several forms of creative COVID-19 safe programming, please select any of these program types that might work for you and your school. Reminder- we are still in the planning phase and may not be able to offer all of these types of programs.

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* 10. Please share! What ideas do you have for us about what type of programming we could offer that would meet your organization's needs and constraints?

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* 11. What topics or subject areas are relevant to explore with your students (or teachers) this school year? Examples might include: Plant structures and function, Math or Literacy in the garden, Pumpkins, Seasons, etc.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this form. We will give you timely updates. And, we appreciate your patience and support during this time. Please do not hesitate to reach out to education@oxbow.org with further questions, ideas or updates. You all and the students you serve are very much in our hearts and minds this year.