In collaboration with Logansport Cass County Chamber of Commerce, LMU, the hospital, school corporations, and several industry and community partners, CLEDO is doing an analysis to better understand the market demands for housing within our community.  This will allow us to better evaluate areas of opportunity for future investment and development of residential properties. 

Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. 

Your participation is greatly appreciated!

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* 1. Do you currently live in Logansport?

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* 2. If the previous answer was “no,” was housing a reason for you choosing to live elsewhere?

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* 3. Do you currently own or rent your home?

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* 4. What is your preferred type of home?

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* 5. What size of property do you prefer?

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* 6. What is your preferred size of a home in square feet?

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* 7. How many bedrooms do you prefer in a home?

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* 8. How many bathrooms do you prefer in a home?

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* 9. When you think of a home, how important is it to you to have a basement?

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* 10. If you were looking to buy a home, what would your preferred price range be?

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* 11. If you were looking to rent a home, what would your preferred rental payment range per month be?

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* 12. Are you actively looking for a home to buy or rent?

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* 13. If a new 1600 sqft 3 bedroom, 2 bath on a 1/2 acre lot was available between $150,000-$200,000 in a nice neighborhood, would you consider buying it and/or buying it and selling your current home?

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* 14. If you have any other comments that you feel are important in our evaluation, please provide them below.  Otherwise, thank you for taking the time to provide us with such valuable feedback.