St. John's Episcopal School Survey

St. John's Episcopal School Survey
St. John's Episcopal School has embarked upon a search for a new Head of School for July 1, 2019. The Board of Trustees has engaged Resource Group 175, represented by Tom Olverson, to assist in this process. The Board is interested in your opinions about the current state of the school, the challenges it faces, and the professional and personal qualities you feel are important in the next Head of School. All responses are confidential and if shared, will be without any identifiable attribution. Please complete this survey by the end of the day on Monday, June 4th  Thank you for your help and participation.

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* 1. What is your relationship to the School? (Check all that apply.)

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* 2. In your opinion, what are the qualities that make the School unique? Which of those are essential to preserve in this Head of School transition?

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* 3. Which five (5) of the following phrases best describe what you currently value most about the School?

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* 4. Which five (5) of the following areas should be priorities for improvement by the next Head of School?

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* 5. What are the major challenges that the School is going to face in the next three to seven years?

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* 6. What are the professional qualifications required of the School's next Head of School?

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* 7. What are the personal qualities you would like to see in the next Head of School?

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* 8. Is there anyone you know, either currently or previously associated with the School or from another school, who you think should be seriously considered for the position?

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* 9. Do you have any other thoughts or comments relevant to this search that might be helpful either to the consultants, the Board, the Search Committee, or to candidates considering this position?

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* 10. Name (optional):