Dear Parents/Guardians,

This survey about THIS school comes in two parts. Part I deals with questions mandated by the CT School Climate Statute. This part of the survey came from the state and is designed to address school climate issues. We are also surveying students in grades 3-12 at each school and the staff at each school. Thank you for your assistance. This same survey is being sent to all parents in each school, though some questions/answers are more appropriate for the high school level rather than the elementary level.

Part II of this survey contains general questions about your child’s learning environment and school leadership and will be used by school staff to evaluate areas that are strengths and areas that can be improved upon.

CT School Climate Assessment Instrument

We need your help to find out what you like about THIS school and how we can make it better. Please answer the questions below. There are no right or wrong answers. We hope that you feel comfortable to answer the questions honestly and show how you really feel about your child’s school. All of your answers are anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your child's grade level at this school. If you have more than one child at the school, please check all the grades that apply at this school.

Question Title

* 2. My child's identified gender is: