This survey is intended to collect comments on Document D for Comment - Appendix A - Glossary which is part of the 3rd Edition of the draft Statement on Clinical Nurse Practice and Education(CNS Statement.)

As a glossary, this document should define key words used within the CNS Statement.

You are asked to give comment on the individual definitions as well as note any additional terms that should be in the glossary that you believe will enhance the CNS Statement.

This is one of a series of surveys prepared to collect public comment on the CNS Statement.  If you wish to access one of the other surveys on other aspects of the CNS Statement, please go to to find the links to the other surveys.

Thank you for the time you are taking to participate in this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Introduction:  Lines 4 - 14.  Please provide any additions or changes to this section.

The following questions will offer you the term found in the glossary and the stated definition.  Please provide the in the textbox that follows the term and definition and comments or edits you may have.

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* 2. Coaching:  Skillful guidance and teaching to influence behavioral changes by patients, families and staff to improve outcomes.

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* 3. Collaboration:  A dynamic-interpersonal process in which two or more individuals share responsibility and commit to accomplishing a shared goal through open, honest and trustworthy interactions. (Hansen and Carter, 2014, in Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady)

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* 4. Competency:    A competency is an expected level of performance that integrates knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment.  (ANA. {May 28, 2008}.  Professional Role Competence.   American Association of Nurses.)

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* 5. Consultation:  Patient, nurse/healthcare professional, or system level problem-focused interactions between a CNS possessing specialized knowledge and expertise, and a consultee seeking expert recommendations.

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* 6. Direct Care Sphere:  Direct interaction with patients, families, and groups of patients to promote health or well-being and improve quality of life. It is characterized by a holistic perspective in the advanced nursing management of health, illness, and disease states.

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* 7. Diversity:  Identifies, acknowledges and respects the unique differences of individuals and integrates this in tailoring the plan of care.

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* 8. Ethical Decision-Making, Moral Agency and Advocacy:  Ethical and advocacy concerns at the patient, family, healthcare professionals, system, community, and public policy levels.

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* 9. Evidence-Based Practice:  A decision-making and/or problem solving process by which evidence, theory, clinical expertise and patient preferences are critically evaluated and considered to provide delivery of optimum care and improve outcomes.  (Scott,K. and Mc Sherry, R. (2009).  Evidence based nursing:  clarifying the concepts for nurses in practice.  Journal of Clinical Nursing 18(8), 1085-95).

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* 10. Health Care Policy:  Integrating knowledge of regulations, standards, and economics of health care to promote positive outcomes across the three spheres.

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* 11. Leadership: The ability to envision the need for change, influence and enthuse others to create change in clinical practice processes, policies and outcomes both within and across systems.

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* 12. Nurses and Nursing Practice Sphere: Within this sphere, the CNS advances nursing practice to achieve optimal outcomes by assuring nurses and nursing personnel utilize evidence-based practices to meet the multifaceted needs of patients and/or populations.

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* 13. Patient:  Represents patient, family, health care surrogate, community, and population.

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* 14. Organization/System Sphere:  Within this sphere, the CNS articulates the value of nursing care at the organizational, decision-making level, influences system changes that facilitate improvement of quality cost-effective patient outcomes, and advocates for professional nursing.

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* 15. Quality Improvement and Safety:  Promoting, participating, and planning care services for individuals and populations that are clinically effective, efficient, safe, and outcome driven.

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* 16. Relationship-centered Communication:  A group of communication strategies and behaviors that promote mutuality, shared understandings, and shared decision making in health care encounters.  (Koloroutis, M. and Trout, M. (2013). See Me as a Person: Creating Therapeutic Relationships with Patients and Their Families).

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* 17. Research: The work of thorough and systematic inquiry.  Includes the search for, interpretation, and use of evidence in clinical practice and quality improvement, as well as active participation in the conduct of research.  The generation, and ultimately dissemination, of new knowledge through formal, systematic and rigorous inquiry and methods.

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* 18. Specialty Competency:  CNS specialty practice builds on core competencies and represents an interpretation and integration of the core competencies into the knowledge and skills of the specialty.  (K.M. Baldwin, et al. (2007). Developing clinical nurse specialist practice competencies. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21 (6), 297-303.)

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* 19. Wellness:  Wellness is a subjective experience and is characterized by pleasant sensations and a perception of comfort.  It can be experienced in the presence or absence of disease.

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* 20. Are there other terms you have read in the draft 3rd edition of the CNS Statement that you would suggest be added to the glossary?  Please identify them below.

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* 21. Please use the space below to add any additional comments.