Explanatory Note: The current assessment information gathering instrument has been adapted to the interests of the Boys & Girls Club of Las Cruces. For purposes of this questionnaire, the Boys & Girls Club of Las Cruces is abbreviated as BGCLC and the project of a comprehensive campaign for the Boys and Girls Club of Las Cruces is abbreviated as "CCBGCLC." Also, please note that all information gathered by Hueston Consulting is held in confidence (i.e. kept confidential) and is compiled in a final report anonymously. Thus all interviewees' comments and opinions are kept confidential and reported with anonymity. The results of the survey are published for the benefit of the leadership of the Boys & Girls Club of Las Cruces for their strategic planning purposes only.

This study is designed to test the potential interest in and financial support for a comprehensive campaign for the Boys and Girls Club of Las Cruces in Dona Ana County. The study addresses three general areas of interest: 1) the interviewee's history, relationship to and knowledge of BGCLC, 2) knowledge of and perspective on the strategic interest of BGCLC in a comprehensive campaign, and 3) personal philanthropic interest in BGCLC and in a new building. 

Question Title

* 1. Describe your association with BGCLC.

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* 2.  How long have you had this association>

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* 3. Please evaluate your overall impression of BGCLC.

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* 4. Please identify what you consider to be the key a) strengths, b) weaknesses, c) challenges to and d) opportunities of BGCLC:

Question Title

* 5. Please assess BGCLC's image and reputation throughout Dona Ana County.

Question Title

* 6. How informed are you about BGCLC' mission, programs and work?

Question Title

* 7. Is BGCLC an organization you would recommend to persons in need or with specific issues?

Question Title

* 8. Is BGCLC an organization you would recommend to prospective donors?

Question Title

* 9. What is your preferred source of information/communication?

Question Title

* 10. What suggestions would you make to BGCLC staff, leadership and Board of Directors to improve its information and communication process with its constituencies?

Question Title

* 11. Are BGCLC leadership and the Board of Directors charting the right direction for the organization?

Question Title

* 12. Is the BGCLC Board of Directors providing the leadership necessary to achieve a strategic comprehensive campaign and lead it to higher levels of community impact?

Question Title

* 13. BGCLC is considering a potential $8 million comprehensive campaign to meet both capital and program needs in the future. What is the greatest amount you believe BGCLC can raise over three (3) to five (5) years?

Question Title

* 14. On a scale of (1) to (5), (5 being Very Achievable and 1 being Very Unachievable), please rank the potential for meeting the campaign dollar goal you have indicated above, paid over a three (3) year period. Please select one.

Question Title

* 15. What is the single largest gift that you think can be successfully solicited for a BGCLC campaign?

Question Title

* 16. In your opinion, how receptive will prospective donors be to a campaign for BGCLC?

Question Title

* 17. To what extent will a BGCLC comprehensive campaign relate to your personal interests?

Question Title

* 18. How would you rate BGCLC' overall fundraising strength?

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* 19. Suggest one (1) action to enhance BGCLC' visibility and fundraising capacity.

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* 20. Suggest one (1) action BGCLC should undertake to inform the community of the need for a comprehensive campaign at this time.

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* 21. Above and beyond ANY current support you may already give to BGCLC, would you consider making a gift or pledge to a potential new campaign?

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* 22. If you answered yes to the above question what would be your estimated range of financial support for a proposed campaign? (Hueston Consulting will keep your response confidential.)

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* 23. Which pledge period would you most prefer?

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* 24. Please share the name and contact information for an individual, company or foundation that BGCLC should consider a prospect for a lead or major gift. (Your recommendations will be kept confidential.)

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* 25. Who would be the best chairperson(s) for a potential campaign?

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* 26. If asked, would you serve as a volunteer for a proposed campaign?

Question Title

* 27. In order to raise $8 million, it is estimated that 8-12 lead gifts totaling $4 - $4.8M (50%-60% of goal) paid over the pledge period will be needed. Do you think such gifts are available to BGCLC for the proposed campaign?

Question Title

* 28. The questions herein concern your estate planning. a) Do you have an estate plan or will? b) Secondly, if you have a will, does it currently include BGCLC? c) Finally, if your will does not include BGCLC at this time - would you consider adding BGCLC to your estate plans?

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* 29. The final question is for your considered advice and wisdom for BGCLC as they consider a major comprehensive campaign: Are there factors that might hinder the success of the proposed campaign, and what might be your best advice for a successful campaign?

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* 30. Contact name/info (optional - please include mailing information and email address)