Nomination deadline is April 31st.

The Alabama Agribusiness Council Board of Directors established the following awards to be presented on an annual basis. When possible all awards will be presented at the annual meeting.

  • The Distinguished Service Award: The Distinguished Service Award shall be presented to an outstanding elected official for their support of the Alabama Agribusiness Council and its members. Recipients shall be Members of Congress or Statewide elected officials. The Legislative Committee shall serve as the nominating committee and the nominee approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Legislator of the Year Award: The Legislator of the Year Award shall be presented to an outstanding state legislator for their support of the Alabama Agribusiness Council and its members. Recipients shall be a member of the Alabama Legislature, either a State Senator or Representative. The Legislative Committee shall serve as the nominating committee and the nominee approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Heritage Award- The Shady Award: The Heritage Award shall be presented to an individual who has supported the growth and success of the council. Recipients shall be past or current supporters or leaders of the Alabama Agribusiness Council. The Executive Committee shall serve as the nominating committee and the nominee approved by the Board of Directors.

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* 1. Please enter NOMINEE'S information.

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* 2. For which award are you nominating this candidate?

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* 3. Why is this nominee a worthy candidate deserving of the award?

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* 4. Please share any other pertinent accomplishments or contributions to AAC or agriculture.

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* 5. Please enter YOUR information.