Please submit this survey by Tuesday, June 27th.

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* 1. Please select the top 3 reasons why you are a Chamber member:

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* 2. In the past year have you attended any Chamber functions?

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* 3. If yes, what did you attend?

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* 4. Did you attend our 2023 Community Outlook?

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* 5. If no, why not?

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* 6. Did you attend our 2023 Summit?

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* 7. If no, why not?

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* 8. Did you attend our 2023 London City of Music Expo?

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* 9. If no, why not?

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* 10. If you were an exhibitor at the London City of Music Expo, would you participate in 2024?

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* 11. If you do not participate in Chamber events, please indicate why.

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* 12. What other events would you like the Chamber to offer?

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* 13. What is the best time of day for you to attend events/workshops?

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* 14. What kind of topics interest you that you would like to hear presentations on?

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* 15. How do you find out about the Chamber events?

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* 16. What is your opinion regarding the level of communication about Chamber events?

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* 17. What pages do you visit most often on our website?

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* 18. How informative is our e-newsletter?

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* 19. Please provide a comment on our e-newsletter

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* 20. The London Chamber of Commerce plays a vital role in advocating for businesses across all three levels of government, aiming to drive policy changes that will ultimately benefit the entire business community. As we look ahead, we are keen to understand your perspective. Are there any particular issues or policies you believe the London Chamber should prioritize and address in the coming year? Your input will guide our efforts to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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* 21. Additional Comments or Suggestions for the Chamber of Commerce