Welcome to My Survey: AFLC Academy on Finances for Local Churches

Thank you for participating in our 10-question survey. In 2015, The Mid Atlantic United Methodist Foundation’ established the hugely successful 2-year Financial Leadership Academy for clergy which resulted in those pastors implementing actual positive changes in their local churches. Now, the Foundation would like to provide similar program materials to Clergy and 2-4 Laity in a church centered educational program. We would like your help in determining the best way to communicate this excellent program called the AFLC (Academy on Finances for Local Churches). 

Please choose various delivery options (including with or without a guide) for a:

1. "Web" based program which would be a series of videos and power point lectures with work books.

2. "Live" program which would be a local presenter with power point slides, and 15-30 minute videos to further educate, and

3. Combination of "Web" and "Live".  

Thank you for your efforts for the Kingdom. Your feedback is important.
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50% of survey complete.