Being a regressive adult baby can be so different for so many people. The strength or frequency of the drive can vary. The impact it has on your life can also range from small to enormous. How we respond to it all and handle the pressures it can bring also varies enormously.  But there is one thing that never changes: the regressive drive is always there and will never go away.

This survey is simply about ‘How do you feel about being a regressive adult baby?’ Be honest, be expansive if you need to be and let’s gauge just how we all respond and feel about our inner regressive drives.

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* 1. How do you rate the strength of your adult baby nature and the regressive drive?

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* 2. Do you feel that being an adult baby affects how you live your life? (we will detail this further on. For now it is just a general question).

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* 3. Does being an Adult Baby affects your concentration on study, work, relationships etc?

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* 4. The following question is difficult because for most of us, we have not known a time when we weren’t regressive adult babies. This is a GENERAL question. It is not asking about specific incidents.

Do you like being a regressive AB?

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* 5. If it were possible to be entirely rid of the AB regressive urge, would you?

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* 6. Do you feel like you have balance in your AB vs Adult sides? This means how do you balance the AB needs with the rest of your life.

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* 7. Do you still struggle with the Binge and Purge cycle?

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* 8. Are you embarrassed about your Regressive Adult Baby side?

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* 9. Do you sometimes feel that when you are regressed that you are a very different person than as an adult eg you feel calmer, more relaxed or you view the world very differently than you do as an adult?

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* 10. Do you like your AB self and how you behave, feel and respond when regressed?

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* 11. Do you feel that your AB side limits, restricts or damages your adult romantic relationships?

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* 12. How old are you?