On the 29th May 2015 the Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland published their final report (http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/05/4296) and findings from their engagement and work, this followed their interim report from December 2013. Within their report, following feedback from communities and organisations across Scotland, was a revised definition of sectarianism in Scotland. In their final report the Advisory Group have again asked for the revised definition to be tested by and within communities. The revised definition is:

Sectarianism in Scotland is a mixture of perceptions, attitudes, actions, and structures that involves overlooking, excluding, discriminating against or being abusive or violent towards others on the basis of their perceived Christian denominational background. This perception is always mixed with other factors such as, but not confined to, politics, football allegiance and national identity.

To provide feedback please provide answers to the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. How well do you think the definition captures the nature of sectarianism in Scotland?

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* 2. What, if anything, might be missing from it from your experience?

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* 3. Is the definition easily understandable to you?

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* 4. Do you think the definition is easily understandable for the people you work with?

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* 5. If you answered 'No' or 'Unsure' to either questions 3 or 4, would you suggest any changes to the definition? Please provide details:

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* 6. How far is this definition relevant to your work or experience or your organisations work? If relevant, in what way? If not, why not?

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* 7. Do you think you would use this definition in your work?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The information you provided will be used by Scottish Government to test the definition of sectarianism as asked for by the Advisory Group in their report.

For more information about sectarianism in Scotland and the projects taking place to tackle it visit the Action on Sectarianism website: www.actiononsectarianism.info