Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Answers will be used to inform a guidance document addressing volcano hazards communication on social media, especially in times of volcanic crisis. The document builds off a workshop at CoV 10 and will be compiled by the Communications Working Group of the IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Hazards and Risk. We hope that your feedback will enable us to more fully represent the diversity of challenges and lessons learned within the global volcanology community.

The responses to this survey will not be formally reported and will be seen only by the writing committee unless we ask your permission to share with others. With questions or further comments, contact Wendy Stovall ( or Beth Bartel (

NOTE: There are 18 questions in this survey, and we hope for your thoughtful input. It may take anywhere from 10-30 minutes to answer everything. Most responses are *not* required. However, all information will be helpful. Please share this survey with other members of the volcanology community. Due April 12, 2019.

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* 1. First and last name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Affiliation

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* 4. I am affiliated with a volcano observatory or other group responsible for managing volcanic crises:

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* 5. What is your role in the volcanology community? Select all that apply.

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* 6. Which social media platforms do you participate in to learn or communicate about volcanoes? Select all that apply.

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* 7. Which of the following social media accounts do you operate? Select all that apply.

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* 8. What problems and challenges have you faced on social media when communicating about volcanoes? Please rate the following challenges by how important you think they are based on your experience and observations.

  Not a challenge Rarely a challenge Somewhat of a challenge Often a challenge A large challenge
How to address misinformation
Determining the appropriate tone
Trolls (social media users making comments with the intent to provoke others into a fight or argument)
Being accused of hiding information
Keeping up with comments and questions
Being misinterpreted
Online harassment
Responding to questions that do not have clear or concrete answers
Criticism over posting preliminary results
Knowing when and how to post preliminary results
Knowing when or how to correct a colleague's misinformation
Language barriers

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* 9. Which of these challenges would you most like guidance on overcoming, and why?

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* 10. Have you experienced or witnessed successful ways to overcome challenges in communicating about volcanoes on social media? If so, please provide examples or broad approaches you think are successful.