CEDS Public Input Northeast Colorado Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2024 Question Title * 1. What are your overall impressions of the proposed Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)? Question Title * 2. Do you feel the CEDS addresses the most pressing economic issues in our community? Why or why not? Question Title * 3. Are there any aspects of the CEDS that you believe need more attention or improvement? Question Title * 4. Strengths and Weaknesses: Do you agree with the identified strengths and weakness of our community's economy? Are there any additional strengths or weaknesses that should be included Question Title * 5. Opportunities and Threats: Are the opportunities and threats listed in the CEDS comprehensive and relevant? What other opportunities or threats should b considered? Question Title * 6. Goals and Objectives: Do the goals and objectives outlined in CEDS align with your vision for the community's economic future? Which goals and objectives are most important to you? Question Title * 7. Strategies: Are the proposed strategies and initiatives in the CEDS realistic and achievable? What strategies do you think should be prioritized? Question Title * 8. How do you think the CEDS will impact local business and job creation? Question Title * 9. In what ways do you believe the CEDS will affect the quality of life for residents in our community? Question Title * 10. Are there specific groups or demographics in our community that you feel the CEDS should focus more on? Question Title * 11. What are your overall impressions of the proposed Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)? Question Title * 12. What Role do you see for local businesses, educational institutions, and non-profits in supporting the CEDS? Question Title * 13. Are there existing community resources or partnerships that you think should be leveraged more effectively? Question Title * 14. How should the progress of CEDS be measured and reported to the community? Question Title * 15. What mechanisms would you suggest for ongoing community feedback and engagement throughout the implementation of the CEDS? Question Title * 16. Are there any other comments or suggestions you would like to provide regarding the CEDS? Question Title * 17. Do you have any examples of successful economic development strategies from other community's needs and aspirations, promoting a collaborative approach to economic development? Done