Please answer the questions below with up to 600 words each, in the space provided. If you have additional files or documents to attach, please send them to with the title “Tourism Survey”, or if too large (above 8 M), please use features such as DropBox or Google Drive. In all questions, please also let us know if you plan to conduct the activities described in the foreseeable future. In case of doubt regarding the survey, please contact for additional information. Thank you for your cooperation.

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

Question Title

* 2. Has your government developed and/or adopted policies, programmes and frameworks, or strengthened existing ones, that promote sustainable tourism with the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, subnational and local governments, the private sector and civil society? If so, please provide details and references for additional information, that can be sent as separate files. (600 words)

Question Title

* 3. Has your government produced or compiled information on the positive and negative impacts on biodiversity of tourism planning, operation and management, including with respect to investments, development of infrastructure, job creation, and to “pay-back” mechanisms (reinvestment of parts of tourism revenues on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration at the local or community level)? Please explain and provide additional information and/or links. (600 words)

Question Title

* 4. Please provide examples (short descriptions and/or complementary documents) of training, educational materials or other forms of capacity-building your country has organized on tourism-related financial instruments to support protected areas and their agencies, such as entrance and tourism service fees, concessions and licences, with or without the participation of national and subnational protected areas agencies, the private sector, civil society and indigenous peoples and local communities. (600 words)

Question Title

* 5. Which activities and tools did your country develop and execute on communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) for tourists, tourism professionals and host communities? Do they include voluntary standards, certification systems, awards and other forms of recognition for excellence? Can you provide links or additional information on these activities or tools? (600 words)

Question Title

* 6. How does your country/ministries promote rural community tourism (community-based tourism in rural and remote areas) and/or sustainable ecotourism activities and operations? Do you have concrete evidence of the links of those activities to the Convention, i.e., that these activities rely on, and contribute to biodiversity conservation? Please provide short answers and/or complementary sources of information. (600 words)

Question Title

* 7. Has your government developed other programmes, policies and activities relevant to the contribution of tourism to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and/or to the valuation of biodiversity related to tourism operation and development? Please explain.