Share Photos - Remember it is for photos taken within the city limits of Farmington only.

We don't always get to see those special moments captured by loved ones in our community. This photo share is your chance to show the community your point of view with your camera!

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* 1. Upload your photograph in png or jpg format.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 2. Enter image name

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* 3. Name the location of the photo.

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* 4. Add any additional information you would like to share about the photo. (ex. winter, details about the location) 

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* 5. Was this photo taken at a City of Farmington event/program?

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* 6. If so, then what event/program was this?

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* 7. Enter your full name (so we can credit you when able).

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* 8. Enter your email address (in the event we need to contact you for more information).

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* 9. Submit a photo release if there are people in your photograph.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 10. Standard Photo Release
I hereby authorize the City of Farmington to publish photographs taken of me and/or with my name, for use in the city of Farmington's printed publications and website.
I release the City of Farmington from any expectation of confidentiality in regard to the photograph and/or with my name and that I have authorized the City of Farmington to use the photographs for city publications and/or the website.
I acknowledge that since participation in publications and website produced by the City of Farmington confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release the City of Farmington, its contractors and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation.
Enter your name in the text box as your signature.