Tasman Council are working with Relationships Australia to ensure that our community is as safe as possible when it comes to mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention.
Relationships Australia have been funded by the Tasmanian Government to work with councils to develop community action plans (CAP) to safely build supports to prevent and reduce suicide.  As part of the state governments COVID recovery plan, councils were identified as having an integral role to play in suicide prevention.
An important part of this project is to consult with our community. We want to hear from you to help shape how a community action plan will look for Tasman.

If at any time you are not comfortable answering any of the questions, feel free to move on or to stop the survey. If you do feel unsettled or upset, it is important to reach out for support. If this survey has raised any concerns for you or you feel you need to talk with someone, we encourage you to reach out to your support network or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Some anonymous resources that you might like to use are:         
·       Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

·       Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

·       Lifeline – Standby Support After Suicide:              0400 183 490



Beyond Blue:
Black Dog Institute:

Question Title

* 1. Are you representing an organisation or are you a community member

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* 2. Name:

Question Title

* 3. Phone:

Question Title

* 4. Email:

Question Title

* 5. Gender (select all that apply)

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* 6. Age range

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* 7. Postcode

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* 8. Suicide can be hard to talk about. What could we do to make it easier for our community to talk about it?

Question Title

* 9. Are there things that get in the way of talking about suicide for you/your community? If so please tell us how (e.g beliefs, culture, language, identity)

Question Title

* 10. What is the best method of communication to respond to some of the myths, biases and misinformation about suicide?

Question Title

* 11. The goal of a suicide prevention plan is to prevent suffering and loss of life. Can you think of any ways that the Tasman community could help prevent mental suffering and loss of life? (social engagement, services)

Question Title

* 12. What matters most to this great community?

Question Title

* 13. What gaps are there in the Tasman area in regard to services and accessibility to services?

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* 14. Would it be helpful to this community to provide information or training about way people can respond to people experiencing poor mental health issues such as suicidal distress? If so, what would be helpful for people to know? What would you want to know?

Question Title

* 15. Resilience* and compassion* are often described as helpful responses in responding to suicidal distress. Do you agree? Please tell us. *Resilience: the ability to withstand or adjust to difficulties or external pressures *Compassion: having empathy for, and a wish to help people experiencing difficult situations

Question Title

* 16. Which strategies have previously helped you through difficult times in your community? Were there specific people, activities, or strategies?

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* 17. Where does your community draw support and strength from? Does connection and belonging play a part in this?

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* 18. What would resilient and compassionate supports or services look and feel like? (eg. identified community members to talk to, consistent social events with a mental health theme, increased training, increased access to professional help)

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* 19. Do you have any other comments in relation to mental health, wellbeing, or suicide prevention relevant to your experiences or community?

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* 20. Would you or your organisation like to opportunity to assist the Tasman Council in identifying strategies and supports to help the Tasman community?

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* 21. What are your hopes for the future of Tasman?

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* 22. Does your organisation have the capacity to help roll out community actions that are identified in the CAP? (training, facilities, hosting events, displaying posters/materials etc).

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* 23. Does your organisation run education/ workshops in mental health or suicide prevention?

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* 24. Does your organisation have any mental health programs running at the moment? If so what?