ARK Pre-Conference Survey

GrowthPlay, through its research arm, Law Leaders Lab Institute, is collecting insights for the upcoming ARK Panel, Strategic Planning to Position Your Firm for Growth. The insights are part of GrowthPlay’s broader research looking at the barriers to law innovation and growth.
3.How would you describe your firm?(Required.)
4.Do you have a strategic growth plan?(Required.)
5.If you have a plan, what are your three top priorities? If you don't have a plan, what do you think your top priorities should be?(Required.)
6.On a scale of 0-5, how would you describe your firm?(Required.)
7.What would you want to learn from your peers about strategic growth planning?
8.What factors do you think are most important for a successful growth plan?
9.What factors are/might keep your firm from building a growth plan?
10.Would you be interested in being part of a focus group on the strategic growth plan journey?