Building a Resume

What is a resume
A resume is a written document of everything that relates to your work history. Your resume can include your experience, skills, achievements, education and qualifications.
As your resume is often the first impression that your potential employer will have of you, it’s also one of the most important documents that you will ever create.

Building a resume
Your resume is the most important tool that you have to impress your potential employer. Get your resume right, and you’ll be on your way to securing the job of your dreams. Get it wrong, and no matter how perfect you are for the role, you won’t even get your foot through the front door.
There are many elements that you need to consider when crafting the perfect resume. Whether you are setting out in your job search to write your very first resume or you’ve decided to re-write an existing resume, you may have many questions such as, “How to write resumes?”, “How long should a resume be?” and “What information should I include?”
You also have to consider how to tailor your resume and lay it out, as well as consider what format it should take, be it a digital resume or a more traditional form.

How long should a resume be?
Your resume should be no longer than 3-4 pages long. If you are a student, you may not yet have a great deal of experience, so 1-2 pages is completely acceptable. If you have several years’ worth of experience and accomplishments, keep it within the 3-4 page limit when writing a resume. Remember that truly great resumes are short and succinct – so it is important to understand what to include and exclude in your resume.

Skills for Resumes
For every role you apply to, tailor the skills section of your resume so that the information included matches the skills mentioned in the job description.
You can also weave in your skills in the experience section, as you describe the tasks and responsibilities of roles you've held in the past.
The “keyword” skills that you include in your resume and cover letters will help your job application materials get selected by some automated parsing systems employers often use to select applicants to interview. You should also be prepared to mention your most relevant skills during job interviews.
The employer's job posting is a great guide for what employers want to see in candidates. Spend a few minutes decoding the job ad, then tailor your resume to fit the job requirements.
There are two types of skills an employer will be looking in a future employee.  These include hard skills and soft skills : both equally important in demonstrating in a successful application. 

Soft Skills
Soft skills are the skills that apply to every job. These are your people skills - interpersonal skills, communication skills, and other qualities that enable you to be successful in the workplace. 

Hard Skills
Hard skills are the qualifications required to do the job. For example, computer skills, administrative skills, or customer service skills. When you're including skills on your resume be specific. The better a match you are for the job, the better chance you will have of being chosen for an interview.

Resume and Cover Letters Action Verbs
When writing you resume action verbs show your ability to succeed. For example, words like accomplished, developed, managed, and handled describe what you have achieved.
In addition listing keywords specific to your occupation (like software or sales skills) include action words that show you what you have accomplished.

In closing
Your resume is your introduction to your next employer
Keep your resume “to the point”
Soft skills are equally important as hard skills so identify your total skill set
Use action words to sell what you have accomplished to dat

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