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For CalFresh Recipients

Each week Lost Sierra Food Project will provide a box of fresh produce from June 25-October 1. Additionally, there will be free cooking and nutrition classes to demonstrate how to prepare the  seasonal produce you are receiving.

There are multiple levels of participation, so you may choose what makes the most sense for you and your family:

Tier 1
Pay $0
Volunteer a minimum of 9 hours on the farm before July 30
Attend a minimum of 3 cooking/nutrition classes

Tier 2
Pay $50
Volunteer a minimum of 4 hours on the farm
Attend a minimum of 2 cooking/nutrition classes

Tier 3
Pay $100
Attend a minimum of 1 cooking/nutrition classes

This affordable CSA is made possible by the Lost Sierra Food Project and Plumas County Public Health.

First, we need to learn a bit more about you...

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* 1. Do you currently qualify for EBT CalFresh?

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* 2. Will you be able to pick up a box of vegetables between 4:30-6:00pm on Thursdays June 25-October 1 on the farm, located a mile from downtown Quincy at 501 Crescent Street? (Or find someone else to pick up?)

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* 3. Contact information

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* 4. Which Tier would you be most interested in?

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* 5. To reserve your spot, what dates are you able to attend a cooking class at the coop from 5:30-6:30pm? (Check all that apply)
**Dates are subject to change.

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* 6. Do you have transportation that can get you to a farm one mile from Downtown Quincy for volunteer hours?

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