Just 10 Quick Questions... Thanks In Advance For Your Feedback!

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* 1. What time of day do you prefer to receive or read emails and articles?

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* 2. Which categories of my blog content would you like to see more of?

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* 3. How often do you like to receive new content?

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* 4. If you are a subscriber, which way do you prefer to receive new content via email?

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* 5. What kind of content would you like to see more of in the future? (Click 8 or less)

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* 6. If I could answer ANY question for you about KIDS or PARENTING, what would it be?

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* 7. If I could answer ANY question for you about MARRIAGE, what would it be?

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* 8. If I could answer ANY question for you about CHILDREN'S MINISTRY or LEADERSHIP, what would it be?

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* 9. Do you have any ideas or input you'd like to share of how the blog could be more helpful to you in any way?  Or do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share?

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* 10. Which do you find easier to use when recommending others to the blog?