Dear Teachers,

Thank you for attending the Energizing Texas History Conference on November 14-15, 2016. We are continuously searching for ways to ensure the highest quality participant experience. Please answer the following questions so we can continue to improve our professional development offerings.

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1. Do you teach at a Title 1 school?

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2. How worthwhile was the time you spent at the conference?

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3. Did you find the resources, materials, and content presented during the conference to be relevant to your classroom instructional needs?

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4. What types of resources were you looking for when you came to the Texas History Workshop? (Check all that apply)

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5. What types of resources were you looking for when you came to the Texas History Workshop? (Check all that apply)

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6. On a scale of 1 – 5 [Highly Likely to Highly Unlikely], how likely are you to use the resources presented in the conference in classroom instruction?

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7. How likely are you to access teaching resources from TSHA online, including Handbook of Texas and eBook materials?

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8. Based on your experience at this conference, how likely are you attend more of our Exploring Texas Workshop Series Conferences in the future?

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9. Given an apparent shortage of substitutes and/or substitute funds, which days of the week are best for you to attend a future conference? (Check all that apply)

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10. How did you hear about the conference?

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11. General Comments?

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12. Please provide your name and email address to receive your CPE certificate.