The Covid Pandemic has thrown up a different kind of fear pandemic along with the disease. Orthopaedic surgeons specially those who practice elective surgery have been out of routine work for over 4 months and interactions between groups have thrown up a lot of interesting insights about their fears. This is a survey to qualify and quantify the fear using a validated scale to assess what an orthopaedic surgeon is really afraid of. 
We request you to take 5 mins of your time to fill in these surveys. Survey can be filled by all Orthopaedic surgeons, including post graduate students, trainees and practicing surgeons.
As an incentive to fill the survey you will receive a free voucher worth 500 inr for a individualised personality analysis online test from Chatur Knowledge Networking. At the end of the survey you will be directed to a webpage with directions on how to use the promocode and take your personality test

Survey Initiated by Dr Sandeep Patwardhan, Dr Parag Sancheti, Mr Jayant Damle &  Dr Ashok Shyam 

Question Title

* 1. I give my consent to provide data for this survey