Completion Time: < 3 minutes

We've found asking our advisors what they want is the best way to build new solutions and technology that grows your practice and deepens client relationships.  We are looking to enhance the Orion experience by building additional marketing collateral and infrastructure so you can better engage your clientele through self-directed financial planning in a seamless experience.

If you have questions while filling out this survey, contact

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* 1. Your name: 

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* 2. Advisory firm affiliated with: 

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* 3. Approximately how many clients does your firm work with?

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* 4. Is your firm interested in delivering more financial plans to clients?

Marketing Insights

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* 5. What are your / your firm's marketing goals? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. Do you currently have someone internal on your team focused on marketing and/or driving client engagement?

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* 7. How do you currently communicate with and engage your clientele? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. What tools / platforms are you currently using in your marketing tech stack?

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* 9. What tools / platforms would you like to be using in your marketing tech stack? 

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* 10. What gets in your way when trying to deliver marketing campaigns?

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* 11. What is a ballpark estimate of how much you'd be willing to spend to partner with a vendor to manage the actual marketing tactics?  (i.e., writing campaigns to drive engagement, creating informative collateral / educational seminars, etc.)

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* 12. What topics do your clients regularly ask questions about? (Check all that apply)

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* 13. Additional Marketing Comments:
Is there additional information you'd be interested in sharing or receiving related to marketing campaigns and how to best drive engagement to drive new leads / clientele? 
