Thank you for participating in this survey! We hope to gauge the impact of COVID-19 within the afterschool and expanded learning field, and understand how the field is responding to the pandemic. Your time in answering these questions is greatly appreciated, and will help us communicate the needs of the field to state leaders. Your responses here may be published in the aggregate, and quotes may be used anonymously.

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* 1. Name and Organization Information

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* 2. What counties does your program serve? Check all that apply

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* 3. What is your role and/or job title?

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* 4. What age range does your program serve? Check all that apply

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* 5. How many youth do you typically serve on a daily basis (during your regular, non-COVID operations)?

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* 6. What are your primary funding sources? Check all that apply

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* 7. Is your program currently shut down due to school closures or other COVID-19 prevention efforts?

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* 8. How many youth is your program currently serving (in-person) on a daily basis? If you program is completely closed, please put 0

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* 9. If your organization currently has program sites open, please list the site location and/or address below

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* 10. If your organization currently has program sites open, please list the capacity for each site below

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* 11. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your staff? Check all that apply

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* 12. If your organization has furloughed or laid off staff, please list the percentage of staff that have been furloughed or laid off

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* 13. What activities and/or services is your organization currently undertaking? Select all that apply

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* 14. What is your primary source of guidance on operations during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 15. If your program is retaining staff, how long do you predict you can survive without implementing layoffs?

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* 16. Please briefly describe how your organization is responding to COVID-19

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* 17. What are your immediate needs?

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* 18. What resources or support do you need (from the State, foundations, etc.) to help your organization? Check all that apply

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* 19. Would online professional development for staff in this time be helpful?

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* 20. Anything else you'd like us to know?