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Question Title

* 1. Click on the area you like best about this product.

Question Title

* 2. Click on the area you like least about this product.

Question Title

* 3. Why did you make that selection?

Question Title

* 4. What is your first reaction to the product?

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate the quality of the product?

Question Title

* 6. How innovative is the product?

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* 7. When you think about the product, do you think of it as something you need or don’t need?

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* 8. How would you rate the value for money of the product?

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* 9. If the product were available today, how likely would you be to buy the product?

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* 10. How likely are you to replace your current product with the product?

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* 11. How likely is it that you would recommend our new product to a friend or colleague?


Question Title

* 12. In your own words, what are the things that you like most about this new product?

Question Title

* 13. In your own words, what are the things that you would most like to improve in this new product?

0 of 13 answered