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The process has begun to update the Village of Onekama's Master Plan. The new Master Plan will provide recommendations for land use, zoning, housing, economic development, open space and recreation, natural resources, municipal services, and transportation. The only way we can accomplish this task is by hearing from you. Please give some thought to how you want to see the Village of Onekama developed in the future and give us your ideas for the betterment of the community. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Thank you for taking the time to help us shape the Village of Onekama's future. To qualify for the drawing of ten (10) gift certificates of $25 each to Village of Onekama local businesses, please provide your contact information at the end of the survey.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you lived or owned property in the Village of Onekama?

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* 2. What is the zip code of your principal place of residence?

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* 3. Please select one of the following that best describes your full-time residence.

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* 4. Is your place of employment located within the Village of Onekama?

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* 5. What is your age range?

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* 6. If you do work in the Village of Onekama, what industry do you work in?

Village Character and Services

Question Title

* 7. What do you like about living in the Village of Onekama? Please select your top 5 responses.

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* 8. What could be improved in the Village of Onekama? Please select your top 5 responses.

Question Title

* 9. What changes would you like to see implemented to improve the appearance along Main Street? (Please rank the following by order of importance by clicking on the up and down arrows with the most important category at the top and the least important at the bottom.)

Question Title

* 10. If you've selected "other" above, please describe here.

Question Title

* 11. Please provide one word that best describes the Village of Onekama.

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the Village of Onekama on the following quality of life issues?

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Public works (streets, sewers, snow removal)
Waste/recycling removal
Police, fire, emergency medical
Parks and recreation
Quality of roads
Building enforcement
Cellular/mobile phone services
Internet services

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following do you think are zoning and/or land use issues within the Village of Onekama that should be addressed?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Blight and junk on private properties
Short-term rentals

Question Title

* 14. The Master Plan team is examining the following topics. Please indicate their importance to you.

  Very important Fairly important Neutral Fairly unimportant Very unimportant
Employment opportunities 
Recreational resources
Non-motorized transportation facilities (e.g. bicycle lanes, paved paths)
Community and cultural events
Shopping and dining opportunities
Public transportation
Public services (police, fire, emergency, waste removal)
Road quality
Housing choices

Question Title

* 15. What types of recreational opportunities would you like to see more of in the Village of Onekama and/or surrounding area? (You can check more than one.)


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* 16. What types of housing do you think the Village of Onekama needs more of? (You can check more than one.)

Economic Development

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* 17. What do you see as the benefit(s) of encouraging business/industrial development in the Village of Onekama? (You can check more than one.)

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* 18. What do you see as the drawback(s) of encouraging economic development? (You can check more than one.)

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* 19. Of the options below, what are the challenges facing the Village of Onekama as it works to improve jobs and economic growth?

  Not challenging Poses a low-to-moderate challenge Poses a moderately-high challenge Very challenging
Availability of jobs
Keeping young, skilled workers
Availability of diverse housing options
Inadequate transportation infrastructure
Inadequate public services and infrastructure
Lack of industrial facilities
Local government leadership
Access to quality education
Access to capital and resources for small businesses
Quality of life amenities

Question Title

* 20. What does effective economic development mean to you? (Please rank the following by order of importance by clicking on the up and down arrows with the most important category at the top and the least important at the bottom.)

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* 21. If you answered "other" above, please provide your answer here.

Goals & Objectives

Question Title

* 22. Please indicate the following by order of importance.

  Not important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
Portage Lake Water Quality
Vibrant Downtown
Competitive Schools
Managed (Smart) Growth
Cooperative Governments
Planned Infrastructure
Viewshed Protection (preserve views)
Preservation of Character

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* 23. What is your vision for the Village of Onekama in 20 years?

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* 24. Please provide your contact information to be included in the drawing for ten (10) $25 gift certificates to Village of Onekama businesses.

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