
ON DEMAND PROGRAM: Compass offers short-term (eight weeks) pro bono services focused on nonprofits’ immediate needs and connects business professionals to support them. The On Demand Program has two options, Consulting Projects or Thought Partners. 
  • On Demand Consulting Projects - Projects address a single issue. Compass connects nonprofits to a business professional with the expertise to quickly understand and address an immediate challenge with tailored recommendations. Volunteer consultants are not expected to support implementation, although many do continue to work with their client in a personal capacity after an engagement concludes.
  • On Demand Thought Partners - Compass connects seasoned business professionals with nonprofit leaders. In a confidential setting, Thought Partners provide a trusted ear for scenario planning, courses of action, and may also facilitate conversations among board, staff, and leadership. Depending on a client’s needs, a Thought Partner may offer several informal calls or schedule formal check-ins with an agenda.
Please Note: Compass also offers longer term consulting projects each Fall and Winter (learn more).

PROCESS: After the application is submitted, we will reach out to discuss your project priorities. Based on this discussion, we will begin to search for a volunteer with relevant experience and expertise that matches your request. If an appropriate volunteer is available, we will notify you and initiate the match.

  • Registered IRS 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
  • Does not promote religious beliefs or political parties/movements
  • Local Mission - Serves the Greater Philadelphia community (includes PA counties: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia, and Camden County, NJ)

If you have questions, please contact us: 

Megan Tomey
Program Manager

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name

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* 2. Organization Information

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* 3. Person completing application (if Executive Director, leave blank)

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* 4. Executive Director Information

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* 5. How does the Executive Director publicly self-identify? Check all that apply

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* 6. Has your organization been a Compass client in the past?

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* 7. What is your organization's mission statement?

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* 8. What is the primary issue area in which your organization works?

Please select your three most important priorities.

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* 18. For your selections, please specify if you are interested in a Project or Thought Partner.
(EX: Finance - Thought Partner, Technology - Project)

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* 19. Please acknowledge the following Client requirements.

  Yes No
Review the orientation materials?
Complete Compass' End-of-Project Survey?

Question Title

* 20. How did you hear about Compass?

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* 21. Please read and acknowledge the following statement:

Compass is pleased to provide your nonprofit organization with an On Demand consulting project or a Thought Partner consultant. Compass does not charge for its services and relies on volunteers dedicating their spare time. 
Our advisory services may be provided remotely (or as agreed between you and your Compass consultant) and require that you and/or certain members of your staff have sufficient time to engage with your Compass consultant and that you will provide information and other resources as may be required. Please be advised that all Compass volunteers sign a notice of confidentiality regarding the information that you share with them.
In submitting this client application, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Compass and its volunteers from all causes and actions relating to this project. Such indemnification shall include the cost of defense, if any, as incurred by Compass. We also request your consent to identify your organization as a Compass client along with a short project description.  
Your application is your acceptance and acknowledgment of this Engagement Letter for when a consultant is matched to you.  Compass is dedicated to supporting our local nonprofits, and we look forward to working with you.