The Office of the Ombudsman for United Nations Funds and Programmes services survey

Thank you for helping us to improve our services. This survey should only take a few minutes. Your responses are confidential, and individuals will not be identified in our reports. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us using this email address -
1.How did you hear about the Office?(Required.)
2.Was your initial contact with the Office acknowledged within 48 hours?(Required.)
3.How long did the Office support you?(Required.)
4.If you hesitated, what concerns did you have contacting the Office?(Required.)
5.Please state your level of agreement about the Office of the Ombudsman and its Staff:(Required.)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
The role of the Office was clearly explained
Staff were professional, courteous and respectful in their approach
Staff listened to my concerns
Staff provided a confidential environment to address my concerns
Staff addressed my concerns in a neutral and non-judgmental manner
Staff and I had meaningful discussion of my concerns
Staff had relevant information about workplace rules, regulations, policies, procedures and culture to share with me
Staff helped me to understand and generate options for resolving my issues
Staff were able to communicate in my preferred UN language
The involvement of the Office was useful to me
6.Which of the following services did you receive from the Office?(Required.)
7.How would you rate the overall responsiveness of the Office?(Required.)
8.What other services within the organization did you use to address your workplace concerns?(Required.)
9.Would you use the services of the Office again?
10.Please provide any additional comments or feedback to the Office.(Required.)