The Maui County Office on Aging is gathering community input to develop the new 4-yr Area Plan on Aging (2023-2027).  This survey is one opportunity for Maui County older adults (55 yrs and up) to share their opinions to develop, maintain, or change services in the county.  All responses are anonymous.

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* 1. What is your Post Office zip code?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your gender identity?

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* 4. What town do you live in?

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* 5. Where do you live?

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* 6. Who do you live with?  Select all that apply.

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* 7. What is your annual personal (not household) income?

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* 8. What is your race/ethnicity? (select all that apply)

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* 9. Is English our primary language?

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* 10. Are you currently employed?

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* 11. What are your modes of transportation?  Check all that apply.

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* 12. Have you heard about the Maui County Office on Aging?

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* 13. Over the last 12 months, how would you rate or describe your overall health?

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* 14. Do you have a physical or mental disability?

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* 15. Are you concerned about developing or having to deal with dementia and/or cognitive changes?

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* 16. Do you have a completed an Advance Health Care Directive (living will)?

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* 17. Have you had to remodel/renovate your home to make it more age-friendly (e.g. install grab bars, ramps, improve lighting?)

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* 18. Do you volunteer?

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* 19. Over the past year, please check of the following if you have received, currently use or participate in the following services for older adults.  Check all that apply.

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* 20. Are you satisfied with the services you receive or the programs you have participated in?

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* 21. If you are not satisfied with the services and/or programs, can you suggest ideas of improvement?

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* 22. If you are over the age of 60 and have not used services, what is/are the main reasons for not using them? (Check all that apply.)

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* 23. From the list below, please check five (5) of the services that you feel are important to you and other older adults in Maui County.

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* 24. What issues do you feel need to be better addressed when it comes to 'aging-in-place' in Maui County? What ideas or solutions do you propose?