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The Alliance is also seeking information from members that will enable us to begin the demanding work of drafting our response to the FOA. To that end, we respectfully ask that you complete this online form. The information you provide will be extremely valuable as we continue our campaign to secure a CHH for Ohio. All responses submitted will be kept confidential.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and for your commitment to making Ohio a leader in the clean hydrogen economy.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Briefly describe your company/entity.

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* 3. Is your company/entity now involved in the hydrogen industry? If, yes, please describe your hydrogen-related activities/products.

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* 4. Please describe the way(s) in which your company/entity would participate in a clean hydrogen hub.

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* 5. Will your company/entity expand its hydrogen related business/activities if a clean hydrogen hub is located in Ohio or a region that includes Pennsylvania and/or West Virginia? If yes, please describe the anticipated expansion and estimate the number of jobs that will be created or preserved. 

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* 6. The DOE will require applicants to provide matching funds for the clean hydrogen hubs. Would your company/entity consider providing matching funds for the project in the form of cash support or in-kind services? 

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* 7. Was your company/entity planning to expand its hydrogen/related business/activities before the federal government provided funding for the creation of clean hydrogen hubs? If yes, please describe the planned expansion.

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* 8. What environmental and safety reviews and permitting challenges might clean hydrogen hubs encounter? Where can approaches such as “dig once” relating to buried conduits, pipelines, and other infrastructure (e.g., CO2 pipelines and storage) be developed and incentivized to reduce impact?

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* 9. What external non-project partners/stakeholders e.g.  Community-based organizations, state and local governments, economic development organizations, labor representatives, will be critical to the success of the clean hydrogen hubs? 

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* 10. Will your company/entity benefit from the "Buy American" provisions that apply to the clean hydrogen hubs? If yes, please describe how, i.e. increased employment, increased sales, expanded product lines, new product offerings. If no, please explain why.

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* 11. Should Ohio, other states, and local governments offer incentives that will strengthen bids to secure a clean hydrogen hub? If yes, please select from the list below:

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* 12. Is your company/entity planning on submitting a response to the Department of Energy RFI?

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* 13. Please provide any additional information or input that will help the Alliance develop its response to the Department of Energy.

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