On the Table post-event survey

Welcome, and thank you for taking part in this survey!

The purpose of this research is to understand who participated in On the Table and the nature and quality of the conversation at the event in which you participated on/or around November 5, 2019, and coordinated by Franklin Tomorrow.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Completion is voluntary and individual results will be confidential. Overall results of this study will be summarized and publicly available through Franklin Tomorrow in early 2020.

By responding to this survey, you agree:
  • You have read the above information
  • You voluntarily agree to participate in this study
  • You are at least 18 years of age

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the email address used to register for on the table. If you did not register online, please provide your email address below.

Question Title

* 2. Which best describes your MOST IMPORTANT reason(s) for participating in On the Table? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. What is your relationship to Franklin Tomorrow? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. How did you hear about On the Table? (Specify all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Where did your On the Table conversation take place?

Question Title

* 6. The other people at my conversation were:

Question Title

* 7. How did you connect with others at your conversation? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. After participating in your conversation, to what extent do you better understand how you, personally, can help address the challenges/opportunities facing the community?

Question Title

* 9. Please select the action or next step you are likely to take regarding an issue or solution discussed. (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. How much impact do you think you can have in making Franklin a better place?

Question Title

* 11. In general, how attached do you feel to Franklin?

Question Title

* 12. Why? What drives your attachment? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 13. Where do you see three opportunities for improvement in Franklin today?

  First Second Third
Arts, Entertainment, & Culture
Communication & Awareness
Diversity & Inclusion
Economy, Businesses, & Jobs
Government, Taxes, & Voting
Growth and Development
Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Drainage, etc.)
Involvement, Engagement, & Volunteerism
Mental Health, Suicide, Addiction
Parks and Open Space
Safety & Health
Sidewalk, Bikeway, & Greenways
Youth Activities

Question Title

* 14. To which of the following topics do you primarily contribute your time and talent, knowledge or skills? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 15. Since January 2019, have you: (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 16. How often do you vote in local elections, such as for mayor or school board?

Question Title

* 17. On a scale of 1 to 3, with "1" being never and "3" being frequently, where do you often connect with others in the community?


Parks, Trails, & Blueways
Community Facilities (Library, Rec Center, Enrichment Center, etc.)
Schools or Youth Activities
Religious institutions, such as a church
Online / social media
Restaurant, coffee shop, or social Hour
Civic club or organization

Question Title

* 18. What words or phrases do you use when you are bragging about Franklin? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 19. What is missing in Franklin?  Rank your top three choices.

  First Second Third
Access to healthier lifestyle choices
Affordable/Attainable Housing
Arts, Entertainment, & Cultural Opportunities
Citizen Involvement & Engagement (Citizen, Community, Volunteerism)
Communication & Awareness of resources within the Community
Economy, Business, & Jobs (Support, Promotion, & Training)
Efficiencies in Government (Government, Taxes, & Voting)
Emphasis on Education
Emphasis on Safety (Police and Fire)
Greater Diversity & Inclusion within the Community
Management of Growth and Development
More or Better Management of Parking
Programs and Opportunities for Older Adults Activities
Programs and Opportunities for Youth Activities
Programs and Support for Mental Health, Suicide, Addiction
Solutions to Traffic & Transportation Issues
Strong Preservation (Historic & Cultural Resources)
Support for Other Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Drainage, etc.)
Support for Parks and Open Space
Support for Sidewalks, Bikeways, & Greenways

Question Title

* 20. With your top choices in mind, what can we do as individuals or together to work on these opportunities?

Question Title

* 21. On a scale of 1 to 5, with "1" being poor and "5" being excellent, how would you rate Franklin to a friend or colleague as a place to live?

1 3 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 22. On a scale of 1 to 5, with "1" being poor and "5" being excellent, how would you rate Franklin to a friend or colleague as a place for business?

1 3 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 23. On a scale of 1-5, with "1" being poor and "5" being excellent, how would you rate Franklin to a friend or colleague as a place for others to visit?

1 3 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 24. What prevents you from getting more involved in the community? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 25. What top three ideas came from your conversation today that you can take action on to move our community forward?

  First Second Third
Become More Engaged/Involved
Continue Conversation
Address Walking, Biking, & Transit Needs
Address Housing Issues
Address Growth and Development Issues
Address Transportation Needs/Issues
Vote & Encourage Others to Vote
Support Education & Education System Needs
Promote Diversity & Inclusion
Address Arts, Sports, Cultural, & Entertainment Needs
Address Mental Health Issues
Address Parking Issues
Advance Youth Engagement/Needs
Advance Older Adult Needs
Better Understand Funding, Government, & Taxes in Franklin
Not Sure or Nothing At This Moment

Question Title

* 26. Do you have any additional comments, suggestions or thoughts to share?

As previously mentioned, your responses to all questions are confidential. These demographic questions are only to help us better understand participation levels in the community as a whole.