Visitor and Resident Survey

Your feedback on this survey will help inform planning for the Pikes Peak region's outdoor-related priorities for the future. The options for many of the questions come directly from feedback already received through recent community listening sessions, but please feel free to write in your own response using the OTHER option when available. The survey will likely take about 5 minutes.

Learn more about this initiative and how you can participate at

Question Title

* 1. Name & Contact Info (Optional)

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* 2. City/Town and Zip Code of Residence

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* 3. Did you attend a community listening session in January?

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* 4. Please indicate below WHEN you enjoy the Pikes Peak region's outdoors, defined as El Paso, Fremont, and Teller counties. (Check all that apply.)

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* 5. Please indicate below HOW you enjoy the Pikes Peak region's outdoors. (Check all that apply.)

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* 7. Please select the option below that reflects your highest concern or what you believe is the greatest challenge facing the Pikes Peak region's NATURAL RESOURCES:

  1-Not Concerned at All 2-Mildly Concerned 3-Somewhat Concerned 4-Very Concerned 5-Extremely Concerned
Infrastructure - Insufficient to protect natural resources (ie: Bathrooms, Trash Receptacles, Parking lots...)
Overuse - Environmental resources reaching overcapacity 
Wildlife - Negative habitat impacts and fragmentation
Misuse & Destructive Behavior
Forest Health & Wildfire Risk
Education - Lack of eduction to care for the natural environment
Funding - Insufficient quantity and/or sources
Management - Maintenance and enforcement lagging behind need
Other Concern (Define in COMMENTS below)
Water Resources & Watershed Health

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the following according to their level of Opportunity/ Aspiration related to the Pikes Peak region's NATURAL RESOURCES:

  1-Not Important at All 2-Somewhat Unimportant 3-Neither Important nor Unimportant 4-Somewhat Important 5-Very Important
Education - More & improved communication for protecting and preserving the natural environment
Forest Health - Employing tools to improve forest health and minimize wildfire risk
Funding - Develop sustainable funding that protects, preserves, and restores natural resources
Infrastructure - More, better maintained, and improved infrastructure to protect natural resources
Resource Management - Improved management to tackle natural resource needs
Water Resources & Watershed Health - Sustainable utilization of water alongside protections of watersheds
Wildlife - Improved, protected, and better connected habitat
Other Opportunity (Define in COMMENTS below)

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the following according to their level of Concern/ Challenge related to the Pikes Peak region's OUTDOOR RECREATION:

  1-Not Concerned 2-Mildly Concerned 3-Somewhat Concerned 4-Very Concerned 5-Extremely Concerned
Access - Lack of access, limited or denied access for types of use
Connectivity - Lack of trail connectivity to other trails and communities
Education - Lack of education (Responsible recreation, preparation for new users, safety concerns, signage, etc.)
Equity - Lack of opportunity and/or resources for untraditional users to enjoy the outdoors
 Ethics/etiquette - Improper user behavior toward the resource and one another
Funding - Insufficient quantity and/or sources for recreation needs
Overcrowding - Too many users impacting recreational experiences
Recreation  Infrastructure - Insufficient or poorly maintained  (Campsites, trails, trailheads, picnic tables, parking, etc..)
Recreation Management - Need for better management of users and recreational facilities and experiences
Other Concern (Define in COMMENTS below)

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following according to their level of Opportunity/ Aspiration related to the Pikes Peak region's OUTDOOR RECREATION:

  1-Not Important at All 2-Somewhat Unimportant 3-Neither Important nor Unimportant 4-Somewhat Important 5-Very Important
Access - Greater /easier access to desired recreation for users/user groups
Education - More & improved communication and signage (Responsible recreation, conditions, safety, etc.)
Equity - Better engagement with untraditional users to provide/develop needed resources and opportunities
Funding - Develop sustainable funding that supports quality recreational experiences 
Recreation Infrastructure - More, better maintained, and improved infrastructure supporting recreational experiences
Recreation Management - Fully resourced land managers to better support recreational use and users
Connectivity - Development of recreation connection such as trails to other trails, to communities,  to camping, to rec areas
Other Opportunity (Define in COMMENTS below)

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following BIG IDEAS & SOLUTIONS according to their level of importance to natural resource and recreation challenges and opportunities:

  1-Not Important at All 2-Somewhat Unimportant 3-Neither Important nor Unimportant 4-Somewhat Important 5-Very Important
Education - Creative approaches to education, such as school curriculum, improved signage, trail ambassadors or rangers, etc.
Funding - Creative approaches to funding, such as fee models, recreation districts, taxes, philanthropy, etc.
Management - Creative approaches to land and user management and effective implementation
Partnerships & Collaboration - Outdoor partners working more closely together to solve challenges (Public-private partnerships, multi jurisdictions of land managers and government entities, etc.)
Volunteerism - More opportunities for volunteers and better utilization of volunteers to supplement management needs such as adopt-a-trail/park programs, volunteerism that earns access, as a part of permitting, etc.
Other Big Ideas(Define in COMMENTS below)
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! We look forward to engaging with you further. Look for announcements of the next series of  Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative community listening sessions this fall. Check back at for materials, photos, updates, and more!