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* 1. Which of the following best describes your role in your organization?

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* 3. What were your company's total annual revenues for last fiscal year:

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* 4. Projecting current and next quarter performance, you expect your company to:

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* 5. Percent of your sales force that are on track to meet quota for this fiscal year:

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* 6. Given historical close rates and deal volatility, the volume of deals in your pipeline supports your revenue growth goals for the next two quarters:

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* 7. Percentage of opportunities for this quarter and next that you expect to close at the original forecasted amount:

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* 8. What percent of opportunities that reach the proposal stage do you anticipate winning:

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* 9. Your sales managers can accurately identify, assess and coach reps on which opportunities to pursue or discontinue:

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* 10. Your sales and marketing teams can identify those leads that have the highest probability to convert to a quality opportunity:

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* 11. Percentage of your existing pipeline deals that meet your optimal customer profile:

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* 12. You can properly align your sales resources to those opportunities where you have the highest probability to win:

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* 13. Your sales and marketing teams are aligned on how to generate opportunities where you have the highest probability to win:

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* 14. Your CRM platform is effective and efficient in capturing, monitoring and measuring your overall sales performance:

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* 15. Your sales reps have strong rigor and discipline in entering data relevant to individual opportunities in the pipeline:

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* 16. Your sales reps and managers have the right performance metrics they need to proactively track, trace and manage their pipeline:

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* 17. Your sales process is seamlessly integrated into your CRM platform:

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* 18. Your sales executives trust the accuracy of your current and next quarter forecast generated by leveraging your CRM data with no external manipulation:

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* 19. So we can send you your personalized benchmark report as compared to all participants, please provide the following information: