ONE Energy Master Plan Domestic Energy Audit Selection Criteria Survey

ONE SEC and South East Energy Agency are conducting a residential energy survey as part of an Energy Master Plan (EMP). We would appreciate it if you could take 2 minutes to answer the following questions regarding your energy consumption habits. We don’t need exact figures! Thank you.  
1.Electricity Spend - How much was your last bi-monthly bill? (please give answer in Euros)
2.Heating Spend - How much do you spend on heating in a year (please give answer in Euros)
3.Annual Travel Distance (please select one that best fits your annual travel)
4.Type of Vehicle in the household (Please comment if you have more than one)
5.Dwelling Year of Construction
6.Dwelling Floor Area (m2)
7.House type (detached/semi detached ect), Is there an extension?
8.Building wall type (Cavity, Solid,…)
9.Heating type (oil, gas, wood ect) You may have multiple
10.Do you have an existing BER?
11.Do you have any existing drawings or plans of the dwelling?
12.Are you likely to apply for an SEAI Grant. Please state which grant you think you would apply for (One Stop Shop, The individual Grants, Better Energy Community Homes or through the Warmer Homes Scheme)
13.Full Name
15.Phone number
16.Full Address
18.What else would you like to see in the ONE Energy Master Plan?
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered