Please provide us with further information
The OMF receives many requests for engagement and whilst this is a strong part out of our culture and way of working we do need to ensure all collaborations fit with our vision, current priorities and are financially viable. 
We would be most grateful if you could provide us with the below information to help begin the process of engagement.

Question Title

Name of person(s) / group or organisation submitting the query / request

Question Title

Location - Country

Question Title

Contact email address

Question Title

Phone number

Question Title

Summary detail of the request for collaboration - what is it you are asking from us at Oxford Mindfulness Foundation?

Question Title

Summary detail of the request for collaboration - location, dates, times if known. 

Question Title

Summary detail of the request for collaboration - who are the target audience / recipients of the engagement?

Question Title

How will this be funded / is there any funding?

Question Title

Thank you for your interest in the OMF, we will come back to you with any queries.