We need your help in mapping the landscape of Christian outdoor ministries!

Your responses will be used to provide a snapshot of organizational structure, theological priorities, and ministry philosophy of Christian camping and retreat ministries across the denominations represented in Outdoor Ministry Connection. Yours is one of nearly 700 camps being invited to participate because of its affiliation with one of the denominations. Your completion of this questionnaire is implied consent. There are no benefits or penalties to you personally for participating, and any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will not be disclosed. The questionnaire is designed to be filled out in 15-20 minutes by a director level staff person with the aid of an annual report. Please fill out one questionnaire per camp/ministry site. If the camp/ministry site is part of a multi-site consortium of camps with differing programs, clientele, and directors, please fill out one questionnaire for each ministry site rather than simply one for the whole organization. Please answer the summer camp questions with information from the 2018 summer season and the retreat/conference questions with your most recently completed retreat season. If you have any questions, please ask. You may contact: Jacob Sorenson: 608-865-0406 or jake@sacredplaygrounds.com.