Welcome to the Oak Lawn UMC Profile and Congregational Inventory.

This is a long survey that has been designed to collect your beliefs, opinions, attitudes, and values about the Oak Lawn United Methodist Church today, as well as your hopes and vision for our future.  

Please complete this survey and submit it on line, or return it to the Church by Sunday, May 20th.   We shall report the results to the Congregation during the first week of June.

This questionnaire is available both on-line and as a hard copy that will be available by US Mail and in the Hospitality Center at the Church.

Your thoughts, opinions, and experiences are valuable to OLUMC Lay and Clergy leadership as we plan for the future of the church we love.  Your responses will help us all learn where we are and help us determine where we will be going over the next several years. 
Know that your responses are completely anonymous.  No one individual can be identified and all responses will be reported as a group.  
Please take the time and effort necessary to complete this survey.  Your work will be rewarded by helping Lay Leadership collaborate with you in building a church that represents your needs, as well as those of our Oak Lawn community.

If you have any questions about this survey or its contents, or if you have problems completing it, please contact Jim Parsons, Lay Leader, jimpar@gmail.com, 214-418-4113.

Thank you again for your participation.