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Feedback survey for the Second Oblate Lay Associations Congress - May 2022 (OLAC2022)

Thank you for participating in this survey.

From May 27 thru May 29 this year the Oblate Lay Associations Congress (OLAC) will take place in Kokotek, Poland.  During these days, delegates from the Provinces and units of Europe will link up with other lay associations throughout the Oblate world  The delegates from this Province want to authentically report on the reality of Oblate lay life in the Province and through this survey, we are seeking to gather your thoughts.

There are no right or wrong answers!  What is important is that you share whatever you think. 

At the end, you will have the opportunity, if you wish, to include your name and contact details.  However, this is NOT REQUIRED and your response will count whether you do or do not provide your details.  The only reason we ask is so that we can, if we think it would be useful, contact you to get more detailed feedback.  Otherwise, and if you choose not to provide your contact details, then this will be entirely anonymous.  

Thank you!

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* 1. In what way are you associated with the Oblates?  (Please tick all that apply).

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* 2. Please read this statement and tell us how you react to it.  "I am a part of the Oblate family" or / and, "I see myself as an Oblate person."

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* 3. If you believe yourself to be in any way part of the Oblate family, then in your own words, can you tell us how you, personally, experience being part of the Oblate family? (If you don't, you can skip this question.)  For example, would this be through Oblate meetings and retreats, going on the Oblate pilgrimage to Lourdes, engaged in mission together, or something else?

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* 4. In living your life, do you believe that the Oblate charism (God's love for the poor, the homeless, the abandoned) influences it / who you are?

0 of 11 answered