
Use this either at the end of the financial or calendar year to rate your organisation safety practices and implementation over the 12 month period. It is recommended that you also arrange for a similar type of report Quarterly. Customizing this report to your own circumstances is the best idea. 

Please note, if you would like an Annual Performance Report to be compiled based on your results, please email after completing this survey

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* 1. Our health and safety policy has been reviewed and recirculated


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* 2. Company Name (note results are shared publicly , so only add name if you are happy to share the results)

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* 3. Our health and safety policy has been reviewed and recirculated

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* 4. We implemented a health and safety plan

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* 5. We have provided adequate resources (human and financial) to implement our health and safety plan

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* 6. Our procedures reflect current OHS legislation obligations for health and safety 

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* 7. We have completed the following consultation activities

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* 8. Risk Management process were in place including

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* 9. OHS related training was provided for our staff

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* 10. We have appropriate first aid resources that meet the needs of our organisation

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* 11. Incidents were reported and investigated appropriately

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* 12. Emergency Management was in place

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* 13. We obtained current safety data sheets for all chemicals we use and we made them available in the workplace

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* 14. We had safety procedures and these were known and used by employees

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* 15. We maintained our plant and equipment according to the schedule and keep records

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* 16. We audited our Safety Management System

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* 17. We collected, filed and retained our health and safety records