Tourist Survey - Plastics Litter

Survey created by local nonprofits and community citizens in Chatham County. The sole purpose of this survey is to collect local perspectives on single use plastics and litter. The items in this survey do not reflect any current individual government policy.

You will need between 5 - 15 minutes to complete the questions. Thank you for participating. 

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* 1. Is this your first time to the Savannah area?

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* 2. How long is your stay?

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* 3. Which are the primary reason(s) you visit the area (choose all that apply):

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* 4. What type of litter have you seen most often across the Savannah area?

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* 5. In general, do you consider litter to be a problem?

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* 6. In general, do you consider PLASTIC litter a problem?

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* 7. Do you consider cigarette butts a form of plastic litter?

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* 8. During your visit to the Savannah area, how often do you see litter in the form of plastic bags?

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* 9. How often have you seen litter in the form of Styrofoam takeaways (cups, boxes, plates etc) while in the Savannah area?

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* 10. How often do you see litter in the form of single use plastic bottles while in the Savannah area?

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* 11. When shopping, do you bring your own reusable bags?

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* 12. What is the reason you don’t bring you own reusable bag (when/if)?

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* 13. If you regularly use single use plastic bags, what do you do with them after shopping?

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* 14. How strongly do you agree or disagree with this statement: "I would choose to vacation in a city or town based on whether or not it had a plastic bag ban".

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* 15. How often do you buy food or beverages served in Styrofoam takeaway containers when TRAVELING?

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* 16. How often do you have food or beverages served in Styrofoam takeaway containers when at HOME?

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* 17. How strongly do you agree or disagree with this statement: “I would choose to vacation in a city or town based on whether or not it had a Styrofoam container ban”.

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* 18. What percentage of your food and beverage was served in Styrofoam takeaways while visiting the Savannah Chatham County?

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* 19. How often do you buy beverages (soda, water, and more) served in single use plastic bottles on a trip?

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* 20. Do you use refillable bottles for water and other drinks?

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* 21. How often do you often do you see litter in the form of single use plastic bottles while in the Savannah area?

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* 22. How strongly do you agree or disagree with this statement:” I would choose to vacation in a state that has a bottling deposit policy” (for example: a .05 cent deposit included in the price of a beverage, when you return the bottle, you get that .05 cents back at any store that sells bottles beverages)?

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* 23. Does seeing cigarette butts on the beach deter you from a return visit to that beach?

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* 24. Are you motivated to shop and eat at businesses that are reducing their single-use plastic footprint?

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* 25. When traveling, do you seek out businesses that are eliminating single use plastics?

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* 26. If you answered yes to the last question, how do you search for plastic free businesses?

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* 27. Do you currently request “no straws” when dining in or for take away?

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* 28. Would you continue patronizing a restaurant that stopped providing straws?

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* 29. How important are clean, litter-free streets and natural environments to you when you select a place to vacation?

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* 30. Would seeing plastic litter in the streets and natural environments where you vacation prevent you from returning for another visit?

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* 31. What could local government or local business do to help you reduce your single use plastics usage (choose all that apply)?

Survey results will be published by One Hundred Miles, in early 2018.  With respect for your privacy we have not asked for your contact info. You can visit or Contact for a full report in Spring of 2018. 

If you want to receive updates on this study automatically, go to this link to submit your contact info. A new window will open for you to input info, but remember to hit the green DONE option to submit your survey you just completed.

Your contact info will not be associated with any survey you have completed.