Hello CBO COVID-19 Grantees


This activity report is a quarterly review of your activities funded by the OHA COVID-19 grant program from April - June, 2023.

We recommend that your organization reviews the report questions in the pdf provided before you begin so that your staff can gather the necessary information. You will only need to answer questions in the areas you were funded.

Please complete as a team with others in your CBO doing this work and submit only one report per organization. If you are unable to complete the report in one sitting, you may continue completion at a later time using the original report link. To continue completion you must use the same device and browser used to start the report.

Individual responses will be kept confidential. Reports and presentations of results will be done in grouped ways that will not allow for identification of you or your CBO.

Please complete this activity report by Monday, July 31. If you have any questions contact Khavi Ho at Khavi.Ho@odhsoha.oregon.gov.

Thank you again for your amazing work.

The Community Engagement Team